Far Cry Weekend Cup 2022 (22nd and 23rd of October)

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Far Cry Weekend Cup 2022 (22nd and 23rd of October)

Postby Krieger » Fri Aug 12, 2022 3:37 pm


Hello fellow Far Cry players!

We would like to invite everyone to participate in our Weekend Cup 2022 and celebrate the 7th anniversary of our LR multiplayer add-on.

During the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd of October 2022 we will host an ASSAULT and an FFA competition and everyone is welcome to participate.
Play for the victory or just for the fun of it – it is free and everyone is welcome!

The Weekend Cup starts in the afternoon and continues into the early evening hours. Just visit our website for more detailed information and timetables.

Have we got you interested? Then join the party and sign up here:


Please provide your player name with and without color tags. TeamSpeak 3 is also required.
You are of course free to sign up for both competitions — ASSAULT and FFA — or just for one Cup.

Keep yourself up-to-date by joining our Discord: https://discord.gg/YmeEm4c

Best regards,

your LRv3 Team!
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Re: Far Cry Weekend Cup 2022 (Reminder)

Postby Krieger » Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:42 pm

Hello fellow Far Cry players!

The Weekend Cup 2022 is coming closer - as the October month has just started over a week ago.

This post is a little reminder to everyone that hasn't done yet the sign-up for the upcoming event.

Everyone can sign-up untill Wednesday 19th of October 2022 for the Far Cry Weekend Cup 2022.

All information and sign-up form is available at the official Far Cry Weekend Cup Homepage:


See you on TeamSpeak 3 and on the Far Cry servers!

Far Cry Installation / Help services:
If you need help with you Far Cry game, your TeamSpeak 3 or with the LRv3 Add-On.
Than feel free to send us an E-Mail to cup@farcrylraddon.de
Or visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/YmeEm4c

Best regards,
your LRv3-Team
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