But enough is enough! Now it's time for the bots to stand up and take their revenge - they won't have any of this no more! They went back to school, took lessons in how to master the assault game mode and graduated summa * laude. Oh yeah, and they finally bought a GPS...

LR brings back the advanced Verysoft bot script by legendary Mixer (with contributions by Garbitos, Turnst!ll and others), turning the clownish buffoons of yesteryear into relentless killing machines. They will never retreat and will pay you back for all the years of abuse you have given them. Once they've set their eyes on the flag they only have one goal on their mind: Taking it by all means necessary!
Our very own *RD*Kr!eger has upgraded their abilities and might add more improvements in the coming months to create even more formidable and unpredictable opponents. We urge you to check them out and see how well you can do against them. Playing alongside the brainy bots is also a nice way of practising for the next FWL tournament and having a good time till real players join you on the servers.
So far we have prepared 18 assault maps with bot enhanced attacking and defending pathways. Check this thread for news on upcoming maps that will rock the servers soon. We will add more in the next weeks and improve on them as time permits. The numbers in brackets show you the available bot pathways for each map:
- am_assault01 (131)
- fc_tv (188)
- mp_px_airstrip (124)
- mp_px_dune (138)
- mp_px_freighter (118)
- mp_px_jungle (134)
- mp_px_mangoriver (125)
- mp_to_cargo (130)
- mp_to_cryassault (131)
- mp_to_ruins (111)
- mp_to_swamp (145)
- mp_to_swamp_v2 (149)
- mp_2v2_dam (48)
- mp_2v2_humanstructure (60)
- mp_2v2_toon (67)
- mp_2v2_warhead (61)
- mp_2v2_aztec
- mp_railway