Here are the downloads and instructions to set up a LRv3 FarCry gameserverPrerequisites:The server installation of
LRv3 ServerSideMod supports only FarCry servers on windows systems with FarCry patch 1.40 installed.
Installation (Step by Step): 1 - Stop your FarCry gameserver, from your control panel webinterface side.
2 - Unzip the
LRv3 ServerSideMod and open up the file manager or FTP of your gameserver.
3 - All content of our installation file must be inserted into the gameserver installation... just upload all those files from this mod to your dedicate server (overwriting the original ones).
3.1 - Files to be inserted into the FarCry/ (Folder):
3.2 - Files to be inserted into the FarCry/Bin32/ (Folder):
(Back up your original CryGame.dll and CrySystem.dll and store it somewhere for safety reasons)CryGame.dll
3.3 - Files to be inserted into the FarCry/FCData/ (Folder):
3.4 - Files to be inserted into the FarCry/Profiles/server/ (Folder):
3.4.1 - Open the
lr_server.cfg and edit the server config to your likes. Servername, RCon password, etc.
*Note: If your gameserver provider requires you to use a fixed profile name that you must use, then just
make all changes in the
lr_server.cfg and then rename it to your normal server config name: e.g. server_server.cfgOnce all files are placed into the right folder and your server config has been configured.
Then we're ready to launch our gameserver!3.4.2 - Run your
FarCry client game "
normal" and put your server (
IP and
port) into the LRv3 servers table, to make this show's up on the LRv3 servers list for every one, like this:
Remember: In case you want your server to show up in the LRv3-Serverlist, than you need to download the
CryNetwork.dll for FarCry Patch 1.40
to remove the LAN IP restriction. Once done this, just copy and paste the CryNetwork.dll into the "Bin32/" directory of your server.
This allows you to set the command "
sv_ServerType" to "
LAN" instead of "
UBI", and register your server into the LRv3-
Informations: - About
Admins.txt has been created for server admins to easily give ingame administration access to friends,
clan members, etc. Which means you just have to copy and paste the players LR-GUID into the Admins.txt
(Each line is one LR-GUID).
// ->a Full Admin (Full rights control)
// ->ra Restricted Admin (Can't do Ban's)
// ->m Member (Only allowed to change/restart the Map's and do some few limited changes on the server settings)
//------------>>> ADMINS LIST
asdjkfasd98qf87u385623t8954t89t558t955t955->a // Admin 1: Name (Full Rights)
acsf456614a475671df37854400a8d6ffdc73e567->ra // Admin 2: Name (Restrited)
ghdfgqwet254235325562646454jj5465466564i6->m // Admin 3: Name (Limited)
sdfgug885462t9809t055gj58gfg5ttgw8908u5485 // Admin 4: Name (Full Rights)
//------------>>> END LIST
Once done that, the players will be automatically logged in at the Serveradmin-QuickPanel when connected to the gameserver.
- About
This file have the list of the maps on the server game that will be automatic changed line by line, once finish each map
//======================================================[ Parameter Lines ]==================================================//
// Name, Type "ASSAULT/TDM/FFA", Time Limit "Min", Resp.Time "sec", Invulnerab.Timer "sec", Max.Players, Min.Team Limit, Max.Team Limit //
mp_px_freighter ASSAULT 20 10 3 18 0 9
mp_px_jungle ASSAULT 20 10 3 18 0 9
mp_px_mangoriver ASSAULT 20 10 3 18 0 9
mp_px_airstrip ASSAULT 20 10 3 18 0 9
mp_radio FFA 20 5 0 18 0 9
mp_surf FFA 20 5 0 18 0 9
- About
The BadNames.txt can be activated using the command sv_badnames = “1”, this will disallow players to have
a name which contains any word which is listed in the BadNames.txt, if a player gets caught wearing one of
the words listed in the file, the player will be kicked automatically from the server.
- About
The BadWords.txt can be activated using the command sv_badwords = “1”, this will disallow players to use
any words which are listed in the file in the public or private ingame chat, if a player gets caught using
one of the words listed in the file, the player will get a WARNING for using bad language, once the player
altered the limit of badwords, the player will be automatically kicked out from the server.
(Set limit using the command sv_badwords_limit, default value is “5”)
- About
The Chat.txt can be activated using the command gr_chat_export = “1”, this will enable the server to log all
kind of chats done ingame into the chat.txt, this gives the admin the possibility to read all kind of
conversations which have been done while playing.
- About
The CVars.txt can be activated using the command sv_cvar_sync = “1” (The command sv_lr needs to be set on “1”
aswell otherwise this function is automatically set back to “0”). The file contains all kind of Console
Commands for farcry which shouldn’t be altered from a specific value on the client side. This prevents using
disallowed console commands on client side, if a player gets caught changing the value from one of these CVars
listed in the file, the player gets automatically kicked out from the server, and a log will be done in the
- About
The GlobalID.txt can be activated using the command sv_globalid = “1”. This will enable that each time a new
player connects onto the server, or a player changes his player name, the server will create a log line into
that file. Each line contains Date and Time, players GlobalID, players IP address and players name.
(Can just be used at "UBI" Servers.)
- About
The LRGUID.txt can be activated using the command sv_lrguid = “1”. This will enable that each time a new
player connects onto the server, or a player changes his player name, the server will create a log line
into that file. Each line contains Date and Time, players LRGUID, players IP address and players name.
(Can be used on UBI and LAN Servers.)
- About
The Violations.txt is automatically enabled in case the command sv_lr = “1”. This file logs all kind of
violations done by players during the gameplay, violations which caused an automatic kick or ban from
the gameserver.
Thanks to:- XT-Team: Thanks for creating such great extensions and patches like XTv3 and XTv4.
- 1.6-Team: Thanks for all the support, and many amazing fixes to FarCry. Special thanks to Jeppa.
- Deltree: Thanks for the gameservers, all ideas you've provided to us and your support to this project.
- Astaron: Thanks for all your map editor knowledge that made it possible to create loads of new tools for mappers.
- iLLUSION: Thanks for the support and for your great FarCry Community BadBoysPlayground.
Liability:Neither myself (*RD*Kr!eger) nor the other authors will be responsible for any damages incurred on installation of this ServerSideMod.
Use at your own risk.
Redistribution:Unlimited with the provision that original files are unaltered. If you alter the original files and wish to redistribute please
contact the LRv3-Team at case of questions and suggestions then take a look on our website: