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How to create a bot mappath files?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:40 am
by admin


Basicly it's formed with 3 commands:
\rcon bot_checkpoint [Nº.Paths] [defender/attacker]
\rcon bot_path
\rcon bot_add [Player ID]

First of all... To create any bot mappath file, you must have into your server game "Profiles/server" folder, another folder called "botpaths" where it's will be used to save all mappaths that you want to create!

\RCON "Remote Console"- It's a prefix command used only by the server admins

bot_checkpoint [Nº.Paths] [defender/attacker] - This command have 2 parameters (Number of waypoints and kind of waypoint, such as: defender or attacker) that will define with kind of waypoints you will create, and how many pathways "in total" it will have aswell.

bot_path - This command don't have any additional parameter, and it's used to create the beginer of each pathway (basicly this command just will skip to the next pathway or will start a new pathway)

bot_add [Player ID] - This command has 1 parameter (the player ID number that will be used as the coordinates reference in the map, to add) and it will grab each checkpoint "waypoint" and then will save it in the current pathway that you are doing. (This command should be used as many times as you need until you get to the flag/ or get to any other spot in the map). ### Important: To know the Player ID, just use this command: \listplayers ###

Example of some sequences of commands to create the file:
// For attackers:
1 - bot_checkpoint 2 attacker
1.1 - bot_path
1.1.1 - bot_add 1
1.1.2 - bot_add 1
1.1.3 - bot_add 1
1.2 - bot_path
1.2.1 - bot_add 1
1.2.2 - bot_add 1
1.2.3 - bot_add 1
// For defenders
2 - bot_checkpoint 2 defender
2.1 - bot_path
2.1.1 - bot_add 1
2.1.2 - bot_add 1
2.1.3 -bot_add 1
2.2 - bot_path
2.2.1 - bot_add 1
2.2.2 - bot_add 1
2.2.3 - bot_add 1
2.2.4 - bot_add 1


Here is a real example, to the map: mp_pureassault.cfg (# Only For The First Flag #):

File: map_pureassault.cfg With Only 2 pathways to ATTACKER and DEFENDER

ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2:2 // (ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2 = FLAG Number 1 : With a total of 2 Pathways )
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1:x=1095y=990z=23 // (Waypoints => x=9999 y=9999 z=999 This is the map coordinates)
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=1058 y=981 z=27
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=1027 y=985 z=26
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=1014 y=962 z=26
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=988 y=946 z=26
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=985 y=942 z=27
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=981 y=932 z=26
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1093 y=995 z=23
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1074 y=1000 z=24
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1058 y=938 z=25
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1045 y=929 z=26
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1040 y=9365 z=30
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1031 y=908 z=27
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1031 y=899 z=27
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1010 y=906 z=26
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1007 y=918 z=26
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=993 y=936 z=26
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=988 y=942 z=27
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=981 y=951 z=26
ATTACKER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=990 y=938 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2:2 // (DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2 = FLAG Number 1 : With a total of 2 Pathways )
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=945 y=931 z=26 // (Waypoints => x=9999 y=9999 z=999 This is the map coordinates)
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=978 y=944 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=993 y=944 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=1003 y=950 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_1: x=986 y=966 z=32
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=945 y=931 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=962 y=948 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=962 y=956 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=978 y=950 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=978 y=950 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=978 y=950 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=986 y=944 z=27
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=987 y=925 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1007 y=930 z=26
DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_2_PATH_2: x=1011 y=932 z=30

* After this it will generate into the /Profiles/server/botpaths folder a file with the same name as the map that you are creating, plus the extention ".cfg"


Another way to make this mappath files is manually, such as:
1) In game use the console command line: \r_displayinfo [1=ON / 0=OFF]
# This will shows in game, all coordinates in the top right screen of your monitor, and there will be the coordinates position where you are into the map... like this:

2) Then, write down this coordinates ("in sequence" and enumerating this to which the specific flag and pathway this waypoint is referring for, and also if it's will be for the: "attacker/defender") in some place "such as: a paper sheet".

3) Then, use any normal text editor "like: notepad" to create your mappath and follow the structure that you can see above to the map "mp_pureassault.cfg", to make your own file. (Like: ATTACKER/DEFENDER_CHECKPOINT_??_PATH_?? : x=???? y=???? z=????)

4) Then, Save all this pathways to a file that should have the same name as the map, but with the extention ".CFG"

5) Upload this file to the folder \bothpath into your server game, then restart your server and it's DONE!!!

* In server game, use the console command: \rcon bot_quota [#Number of robot players as you wish], to test your new mappath

* Note: There is no limits for create the waypoints or pathways per flag!!!

Re: How to create a bot mappath files?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:54 pm
by Monster_man
Hello, very good tutorial. I wanted to know if the command lines are the same as for the FFA mode ?

Re: How to create a bot mappath files?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:36 am
by zulu
Hey Monster_man, the procedures depicted above apply to Assault maps as FFA/TDM doesn't have successive checkpoints or defender/attacker classes. I didn't look into this but with the bot scripts that are currently running on the servers, the bots will just randomly wander around from one pick-up spot to another on FFA maps.

Re: How to create a bot mappath files?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:17 pm
by admin
In other words... This bot mappaths only will works on modes: Assault, CTB or CTF! (where you must have attackers/defenders checkpoints!)... Thats because this map paths script's wasn't made for the modes: FFA or TDM

What means CTF?
- Supposing that's means... Capture The Flag (not sure, cos I dont find any info on the official LR website about this!)

What means CTB?
- Supposing that's means... Capture The Base (not sure, cos I dont find any info on the official LR website about this!)

Re: How to create a bot mappath files?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:18 pm
by Monster_man
Hello, thank you for all this information. I'm already going to try ASSAULT mode and I'll tell you if everything goes right :D . So to date there is no trick found for TDM and FFA mode?

Re: How to create a bot mappath files?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:48 am
by zulu
Hey Monster_Man, sorry for the late reply. :oops: Looking forward to checking out your assault bot maps! If you need any assistance, Deltree and I will gladly help you out with those. As far as FFA and TDM are concerned, it'd be best we have a look at them when we are on ts together. See you there, mate!