Say hello to the latest maps on our servers!

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Re: Say hello to the latest maps on our servers!

Postby zulu » Sun Jun 12, 2022 7:18 am

Big map update!

Many of you might have played the supo and 5v5 maps that we had available throughout these years, with mp_5v5_desertwar even being a popular tournament map. Thanks to returning players |-CFW-| SupoFou and |-CFW-| Gackt54 we were able to complete our collection of 5v5 and supo levels that originated with the Crazy French Warrior clan. No less than a whopping 34 ASSAULT, FFA and TDM maps will hopefully add a lot of variety to your daily dose of Far Cry:

  • mp_2v2_lorraine
  • mp_2v2_summer
  • mp_2v2_supoforest
  • mp_2v2_supostore
  • mp_2v2_supostreet
  • mp_2v2_suposurf
  • mp_5v5_canyonwar
  • mp_5v5_mountainwar
  • mp_5v5_tropicalwar
  • mp_supocanyon
  • mp_supoisland
  • mp_supovalley
  • mp_Punition_Banjo_1

  • mp_supobay
  • mp_supobeach
  • mp_supocamp
  • mp_supocamping
  • mp_supoforest
  • mp_supofrag
  • mp_supofrag2
  • mp_supoharbor
  • mp_supolake
  • mp_supomax
  • mp_suporadio
  • mp_suposhock
  • mp_suposnipe
  • mp_supostore
  • mp_supostreet
  • mp_suposurf
  • mp_supotrash

  • mp_supocrazy
  • mp_supohmygode
  • mp_suporacer​
  • mp_Klaustonaval

But wait, there is more! Supofou also made 2 new maps, appropriately called mp_supo2022 (FFA) and ​mp_5v5_supo2022​ (ASSAULT), which can now also be played on all our servers. Join us and have fun checking them out!​
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Re: Say hello to the latest maps on our servers!

Postby killroy » Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:56 am

always love new maps :claps:
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Re: Say hello to the latest maps on our servers!

Postby zulu » Tue Feb 07, 2023 3:38 am

It has been quite a while since our last round of map uploads, but finally we present some more rarities from the vaults. We hope it is a nice mixture that will keep you entertained!

  • $3mp_physion-$2crysis - A small arena map that offers a lot of tense action.
  • mp_stow_a_way - A fast moving map on a tightly packed freighter, ideal for fewer players.
  • mp_Healing_Grounds_Day - Some sp elements will not work in multiplayer, but are not essential to having fun in this varied medium-sized arena map.
  • mp_baja - A largely vehicle-oriented map in a giant barren desert landscape.
  • mp_Lake_Mine - A sunny open range map on a grid of embankments.
  • mp_black_sun - Darkness meets mountainous landscape in this somber and somewhat surreal map by ToeTag.
  • mp_PureHell - A rather expansive vehicle map set around a volcano.
  • mp_RemarkableRocks - A small rocky island provides the perfect dusk-tinged backdrop for some fast and furious action.
  • mp_2v2_atoll - Some more variety for our popular 2v2 section.
  • mp_2v2_nine_v1 - Added only for our completionists with severe OCD. :P Version 2 has been a staple on our servers for many years now.
  • mp_2v2_smile_island
  • mp_2v2_smile_island_v2 - The name says it all: some very frantic action awaits you on this exceptionally jovial island.
  • mp_ToGo - There is a lot to see and do on this map. So don't let all these dinosaurs distract you!
  • mp_concrete - A great-looking map similar to mp_fuel. Mp_district, the 3rd map from this urban mini-mappack, will follow with the next batch of uploads. Unfortunately, these maps use lots of cross-referenced objects and textures that had to be relinked one by one in order to make them self-contained. A major PITA, but I think it was worth it as these are very well-designed maps. We hope you will agree.
All servers are updated, have fun!
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Re: Say hello to the latest maps on our servers!

Postby admin » Sat Feb 11, 2023 3:46 pm


You deserves an award...
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Re: Say hello to the latest maps on our servers!

Postby zulu » Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:53 pm

20 more maps available!

Maverick's CTF conversion ctf_battlefield is live now. Also new to the servers are the FFA/TDM maps mp_morgue_sniper (one of ClosedCasket's earliest creations) and mp_pax (by Jaccobart). Go check them out!

And since a few players have asked about this and Monsieur Icebreaker brought it to our attention again, we also added all the Far Cry standard maps to our mapspace, the original ones as well as the updated px versions from the 1.4 patch. Anyone with a fresh install of the game will have these anyway, but no more worries if you messed up your levels folder or modified and saved these maps in the editor by accident. We got you covered!

mp_airstrip / mp_px_airstrip
mp_dam / mp_px_dam
mp_dune / mp_px_dune
mp_freighter / mp_px_freighter
mp_jungle / mp_px_jungle
mp_mangoriver / mp_px_mangoriver
mp_radio mp_surf

This batch of uploads also means that we finally cracked the 800 barrier, bringing the total number of maps in our mapspace to 815. Almost 20 years worth of Far Cry mapping assembled in one place! And there is still a lot more to come. A great hooray and a big round of applause to everyone who has made this happen -- to all the players who have passed on maps to us over the years and above all of course to all the imaginative minds who created these miniature worlds!

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Re: Say hello to the latest maps on our servers!

Postby admin » Thu Jul 20, 2023 10:19 am

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Re: Say hello to the latest maps on our servers!

Postby zulu » Sun Jan 21, 2024 6:20 am

The more the merrier! Let us all welcome 14 new maps in our mapspace and on our game servers:


  • mp_2v2_gladiator
    A bright and straightforward arena map whose high energy setup will liven things up in our popular 2v2 corner for sure.
  • mp_3house
    You remember that great single-player level with all the treehouses and trigens? If you do, this large 3-flagger will make you feel right at home.
  • mp_forto
    An erupting volcano sets the scene for this cold and grim looking post-apocalyptic/sci-fi map. Everything but the kitchen sink, but if you look around long enough, who knows, you might even find a kitchen sink!
  • mp_sanctuary
    A vast map by v1rtu in the more traditional FC look, best suited to more players.
  • mp_samui
    Another big jungle map in the classic FC style. If you like eu_temple or mp_to_ruins you will certainly have a warm and fuzzy déjà vu.
  • mp_district
    The 3rd and final creation from the magnificent urban mini-mappack. A well-designed map similar to mp_fuel and mp_concrete, set in a derelict city and in a subway station with lots of custom objects and textures. Which all had to be relinked one by one by one by one in order to make this map playable again... :? Read up on it in my upcoming book "Masochism In Map Managament".
  • mp_isegarena
    A small and stripped-down assault map with a lot of fast-moving action similar to mp_2v2_cage. Also a good choice for sniper battles. Even if you play FC on your pocket calculator you might break the 500 fps barrier on this one.
  • mp_isegarena_final
    Essentially the same map as above but with some additional tweaks. Give both versions a shot!


  • mp_rock
    Merry-go-round is the name of the game on this medium-sized island map with a giant mountain in its center.
  • mp_sunset
    A strikingly beautiful and well-balanced map that packs a lot in its small to medium size island setting.


  • mp_atlantis
    ToeTag is at it again with this giant, gloomy, somewhat otherworldly FFA map.
  • mp_rock2
    This map was originally also named mp_rock, but had to be renamed because of the other map of the same name. A smallish, but very interesting island with several interactive elements. Not all of them are 100% multiplayer compatible, but you will certainly have fun luring your enemies into some of the traps.
  • mp_slims_island
    A small map on an idyllic island dominated by a hollowed-out mountain. Ideal for a fast and unrelenting action quickie.
  • mp_sniper_island
    A sunny medium-sized archipelago that will please snipers as well as more adventurous gunslingers.

All servers are updated, have fun! :)
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Re: Say hello to the latest maps on our servers!

Postby zulu » Sun Jan 21, 2024 6:26 am

You didn't really think we would leave you without presents this year, did you? :)

It's not quite X-mas yet, but Santa has sent a few maps via express delivery, one for each day until the big festivities. Give it up for those poor tired reindeer!


  • mp_bloodbath
    Because what says Christmas better than murder and mayhem? A well-made and very interesting map like no other in our library. The strange futuristic setting offers 7 flags that are not really flags. Wait, what?
  • mp_maze
    Whoever finds the hidden bases first wins! Don't worry, you can always ask our resident map designer [wte] NowWhat for directions.
  • mp_2flags
    This fairly big 2-flagger by [WicKeD] BosAap is best suited for more players and ideal for some relentless car action.
  • mp_advanced_island
    A well-designed medium-sized map à la mp_pureassault and fcmp_basic. Many of us will feel right at home here.
  • fcmp_oilstation
    A solid entry from the fcmp map pack that starts off on a mountain before moving into an industrial complex and a village by the sea.
  • mp_2on2_container
    Straight-forward action awaits you in this massive container depot, similar to nnc_hallfight_assault.
  • mp_2on2_house
    Look past the garish colours in this one and you will enjoy some fast gameplay amidst several abandoned houses.
  • mp_freighter_snow
  • mp_winter_chill
    With the holidays drawing near, these 2 maps will certainly help you to get in that wonderful Christmas mood. The latter not only has custom objects and textures but also Val guest starring as Snow White for good measure.

Quite a nice selection for the Assault crowd. But don't worry, we did not forget about those of you who also enjoy a good FFA or TDM fight:


  • mp_iced
    The winter theme continues with this ice-cold map by prolific map maker Toe Tag, appropriately set in a giant freezer. Can you defrost the pick-up weapons before your enemies do?
  • mp_club_dead
    If you are tired of the cold temperatures and all the snow, why not book a holiday in this sunny Club Med resort? It has seen better days, but with all the people shooting at you, you won't have time to file for a refund.
  • mp_sultanbeach
    Or you could ask your travel agency about a trip to the gorgeous beaches of this archipelago. Sure, it's a tourist trap, but do climb that humongous stone building for some sniping while you are there!
  • mp_tomb
    A spooky map by Slim Fast with some interesting texture and detail work. Too late for Halloween unfortunately, but always worth a look.
  • mp_ZEN
    Meditation and contemplation won't get you far in this medium-sized arena map. Since weapons are a bit scarce, you better act and move fast!

Don't be shy, unwrap your gifts now and enjoy playing with your new toys.
All servers are updated, have fun! :)
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