• Don't post all in CAPS LOCK, because its hard to read and its annoying.
• Don't make a "hundred words" long title.
• Don't spam, double posting is counting as spam.
• No Abusive language within the forums AKA try not be too much rude or offensive.
• Don't be racist, don't post racism AKA we are all from the same big community.
• Don't post or use images with contents or things like as: Immoral, Pornographic or Indecent!
• Max Size: 120 pixels wide X 120 pixels tall.
• Don't use images like as Immoral, Pornographic or Indecent!
• For images in signatures: 1 image up to 600 pixels wide, 150 pixels tall
• For text signatures: 5 lines normal size, 8 lines small size
• You can add 1 or 2 user bars (max. 30 pixels tall) if you want, but try to keep them compact.
• Don't use images like as Immoral, Pornographic or Indecent!
• From administarción warns that all links/urls to downloads or web addresses (external to the forum) that are not HIDDEN tags, will be removed from the forum.
How to HIDE your LINKs/URLs?

- Code: Select all
[HIDDEN] www.your_Download_URL.com [/HIDDEN]
[HIDDEN] [url]www.your_Download_URL.com[/url] [/HIDDEN]
[HIDDEN] [url=www.your_Download_URL.com]CLICK HERE[/url] [/HIDDEN]
The user who repeatedly fails to comply with this rule "after being warned many times" may will be get a punish and in the last case, will be banned from the forum.
Just this simply rules... ENJOY YOUR STAY AND HAVE FUN!